One of these pieces of equipment was a teeter totter. I remember an automobile commercial that
started out by two guys arguing in the car and then an accident ensued. Think
about hope. Is it difficult to keep hope alive while eliminating stress and fear? Yes
it is difficult.Fear is always appealing to our senses. As you inhale slowly, breathe deeply
from the bottom of your lungs. Stress always equals fear and hope always equals your
goals. The two men were okay but shaken up visibly by the accident. Isn't that
a shame?Always remember these statements: "When we are playing on the teeter totter, stress is
at one end and hope is at the other end." "We need to develop a
quiet confidence to move our minds and bodies in the direction of hope."What is your
ultimate goal? Where do you want to be in five years? If you could time
travel to a place in your life five years from now and look back at
today, what would you tell yourself about today. Why do you want to annihilate stress?
The best reason for annihilating stress is because when you are in a stressful situation,
you lose hope. Use the teeter totter exercise daily and you will take a huge
step to annihilate stress and propagate hope.Wayne F. He said "hope is a good thing,
maybe the only thing."We begin our lives here on earth, knowing that we could die
requin tn or be incapacitated at any moment. How important are the stressful situations you face right
now in your life? Would today even be that important in your overall success? Five
years into the future, would you still be thinking about your favorite sports teams' loss
of five years ago, or the price of gasoline?Think about what life will be like
five years into the future. Perkins is the Stress Annihilator. If you are a business
professional responsible for bringing in new business, you may feel you want to give up.Stress
and hope sit at opposite ends of a teeter totter.Do you remember when you where
a small child playing on a playground at school. Many schools provided equipment for exercise.
Words to incite fear are abundant in our spectator sports.Think about the words and phrases
you hear by sports commentators. Wayne also presents stress annihilation retreats in Williams, Arizona and
the Grand Canyon. This is why stress or fear is always near the surface of
our thoughts. As hope climbs higher in the air, stress goes down. You lose focus
on your goals. Think about your specific goals and feel in your mind, your heart
and your body that you have already achieved your goals.Summary: Stress and hope are constantly
competing on your teeter totter of life. Think about words and phrases like, "sudden death,"
"elimination round," "Yankees murder Red Sox," "Spurs defeat Suns."The overwhelming majority of sports fans are
nike shox nz affected by these terms because they are supporting "losing teams." There is usually only one
world champion in any given sport, meaning all of the rest of the sports fans
"feel stress and the agony of defeat." We experience the other end of the teeter
totter as we lose hope.Do you think we may carry some of this loss of
hope into our jobs and our personal lives?We are so used to being motivated by
fear and stress that even our leisure time activities reflect it. Anyone watching the commercial
can identify with the fear and stress associated with the accident.Television newscasts focus on several
fearful, stress causing events before they get to the sports news, business news or weather.
Stress or fear as it is more accurately defined, and hope, or goals as it
is more accurately portrayed, sit at opposite ends of the teeter totter.As one end goes
up the other end goes down. They alternatively shift their weight to cause their seat
on the teeter totter to go up and down.Stress and hope work the same way
as the two children conducting the balancing act on the teeter totter. Think about your
victories, your goals and your hope.The Teeter Totter Exercise:Take three slow deep breaths. Advertisers for
example focus on our fears. Stress and fear are always opposing hope and goals.It seems
accurate that we need to annihilate stress and fear in order to elevate our hope
and our goals.I remember the movie the "Shawshank Redemption" where the wrongly imprisoned character, Andy,
told the other inmates that hope was something no one could take away from you.
Push all of the tension out of your lungs.See yourself on the teeter totter flying
higher in the air. As stress increases its end goes higher in the air and
hope goes down. Wayne presents a one hour program for sales teams and executive teams
to annihilate stress and propagate hope. A teeter totter or seesaw as it is known
in some places is simply a board balancing on a fulcrum with a place to
sit at each end.Two children sit on a teeter totter with the heaviest child sitting
first in order for the lighter child to take a seat on the other end
to balance out the load. Viewers become hooked on these stressful situations as they arrive
home from work and while watching television.Through all of our entertainment options we observe stress
and fear. The major thing that keeps us going is "hope;" hope for good
health, hope for enjoyable relationships, hope for positive achievements and hope for enough money to
pay for all of our desires.To the degree that we can diminish stress and fear,
we can elevate our goals and elevate hope. Before you exhale, hold your breath for
a few moments and then exhale very slowly. Call and book Wayne Perkins today at:
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